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Tebuconazol Tebuco is an unique chemical which provides little germs to the plants like kombucha for th humans. They can also have a harmful effect on plants because it suppresses the growth of plant. Active ingredient: Tebuconazole-use against wide range of plant pathogenic fungi. The fungicide tebuconazole was applied to crops such as corn, wheat and soybeans by farmers. Tebuconazole can improve crop yield for crops, like corn and wheat as it protects them from diseases which might harm those yields.

A powerful tool for crop protection

Tebuconazole Fungi Small plants This kind of fungi can grow on top Fruit trees However, it will destroy all production Once the crops are unhealthy with a fruit attacked by these types of organic substances they present lesser harvest. Because of their lesser income which in turn affects the livelihood and on family as well! Now it is one very important instrument for the farmers to combat this fungi from establishing and spreading so that fields will always be green with they beautiful healthy plants. This is a win-win situation for farmers and this fixes one full block in value chain which will guarantee that food gets to people.

Why choose Ronch tebuconazol?

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