They are one of the unique living things that germinates, grows and develop stage by stage. Sow as seeds and they will grow in time being tall trees, beautiful flowers. and delicious fruits/vegetables which we love to eat. It almost seems like magic to watch the growth of plants and how they turn out in a very exciting way. But in order to grow them healthy and robust, they need care compassion love.
Plants need to have the right approach for them to thrive and be healthy. To begin, water is exeedingly important for plants to survive and grow. They require water to keep their leaves, stems and roots moist. Should not we provide enough water will the plants become feeble and saggy. Sunlight : Sunlight is also required for the plants to form energy via a process known as photosynthesis. This is how plants get food, using sunlight which they need to grow. Plants need special nutrients too, along with water and sunlight such as nitrogen (N), phosphorous(P) or potassium(K). These nutrients are essential for strong, healthy plants that produce flowers and fruit.
Since plants take up their nutrients from the soil they are planted in, it is crucial for healthy soils to be abundant. A diverse soil system is a feast for plants, feeding them all their required nutrients. The logic is, they can give a plant the extra minerals it needs to get bigger and stronger but what about compost or fertilizer? Compost = decomposed leaves, food scraps and other organic materialsFertilizer= a concoction of chemicals that makes the plant grow. Plants are quite social in the garden--some, tomatoes and peppers for example-grow better when they planted next to other plants that compliment them because it helps both of then get nutrients. Some plants work together better than others, and this is called companion planting.
Plants need good roots. Like scaffolding holds a building steady, roots hold plants in place so they can take full advantage of the water and nutrients available. Roots facilitate the flow of water and nutrients from the soil to above-ground parts of a plant, such as leaves. A sick root may lead to inopportune plant growth or potentially even its overturn. Placing plants in containers or raised beds can give them plenty of room to develop healthy root systems. Healthy roots can spread, allowing the plant to take in more water and nutrients.
On first glance, plants might seem simple looking but what was happening inside of them is anything BUT. On a small scale, plants use sunlight to create sugars which they need so that they can grow and produce flowers and fruits. This process is very significant since it serves as the source of energy for plants to survive. Plants have many hormones that help them respond to light, temperature and other environmental changes which can impact their growth. Messenger Of Hormones: Have you ever heard about hormones in plants, well these are the agents which define how a plant should behave with things happening around them making sure they grow as best to their strength.
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