सब वर्ग

घरेलू खरपतवारनाशक भारत

We all love plants, right? Ronch can do a great job to make our gardens and homes look like gorgeous vampires, not to mention the fact that they turn darkness into light in our lives. Plants have an inherent ability to make us happy and we love them. But every now and then, we get those annoying little weeds that pop up in our gardens or lawns. Weeds are ugly, grow fast and it is difficult to get rid of them. They end up sucking on the nutrients and water that are provided to plants we have. This is a problem, which herbicides help us with. When we have unwanted weeds, herbicides are the special liquids needed to kill them. Almost all of these कीटनाशकों are harmful to our plants and animals, which is not good. Thankfully, you can craft your own herbicide at home from ingredients that are safe and natural to use (and probably already sitting in our kitchen). That was the inspiration for making our own herbicide, which is what this guide will teach you how to make as well. Homemade herbicides are easy and balancing work! This magic can be done with regular everyday things present in your kitchen or garden. One of the few simple ways to produce weed killer is initially working with white vinegar and salt. 

Easy DIY Herbicide made from natural ingredients

Baking soda is a great homemade herbicide. You can also use a पराकाट baking soda paste which is made by adding a bit of water to some baking soda. After, the paste can be directly applied to weed leaves. This technique is most effective on young, small weeds; they are easier to treat. Vinegar - Vinegar works well as it can damage the leaves and stems of weeds. Mix vinegar with an equal amount of water (1: 1 part by part a) + 1 Tablespoon Liquid Dish Soap Spray this mixture to the unwanted weeds. Do not get this on your other plants' origin it will inflict them too.

Why choose Ronch Homemade herbicide?

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