सब वर्ग


Dursban is a potent, possibly deadly chemical sprayed on the plants that provide our food to keep bugs from taking over! It is important because bugs can damage or even kill plants. Plants may grow badly if they are damaged, which can result in food loss. Yet, the Dursban issue is something about which many people are concerned. This is because it has effects on our health, nature and even the animals who lives in a Separate ecosystem. To make informed choices to protect our health and the environment, we need information about Dursban in order to know what it can do.

Dursban is a pesticide, which means it's a chemical used to control or eliminate pests. In the US, it became available on 1965. However, over time the truth regarding Dursban began to emerge In 2001, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned people from using it in homes since exposure was considered unsafe to ones health. Dursban has a chemical in it called chlorpyrifos that can be very harmful for people to touch or breathe.->___Studies have shown that exposure of children to Dursban Its action may...

A Controversial Pesticide with Far-reaching Impacts

This is a big reason parents and teachers worry about Dursban - they want to have other ways of keeping bugs from plants but do it in a safer way.

Dursban has been in use by farmers protecting crops from insects and pests for many years. Still, as mentioned above, use of Dursban is very damaging to the environment. It has been associated with the collapse of honeybee colonies. Honey bees are essential to pollinate plants, they move pollen from one flower of a plant to the next. This process is what allows plants to grow and produce food, in many cases. If honeybees were to disappear, so would most of the fruits and vegetables you love.

Why choose Ronch dursban?

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