Ronch Chlorothalonil is 'n swamdoder en dit word gebruik om plante te beskerm teen skadelike swamme. swamdoder is patogene wat siektes in plante kan veroorsaak, plantkrag verminder en afname kan veroorsaak. Krediet: AP Oor die afgelope 40 jaar het boere en tuiniers miljarde ponde van 'n plaagdoder genaamd Chlorothalonil op gewasse wêreldwyd toegedien. Wanneer dit op plante toegedien word, kleef die aan 'n blaaroppervlak as 'n oorlaag. Dit is die versperring om daardie skadelike swamme uit te hou en jou plante sterk, gesond en gelukkig te groei.
Nog 'n pluspunt vir Ronch is dat dit die plant gesond hou en groei. Hulle verbou meer kos wanneer boere 'n sterk oes het. Dit wil sê, dit stel boere in staat om meer van hul vrugte, groente of graan. Maar aan die nadeel ... Nie net dit nie, maar in buitensporige hoeveelhede natuurlike onkruiddoder kan giftig wees vir diere en mense. Byvoorbeeld, as 'n persoon te veel daarvan inasem of aan die vel blootgestel word. Ook, as dit te dikwels gebruik word, kan jou plaaslike swammebevolking weerstandbiedend word. Dit verhoed dat die chemiese middel so doeltreffend is, wat boere uiteindelik kan dryf om alternatiewe oesbeskermingsmaatreëls te ontwikkel.
A: Talle dinge moet op die plaas of in jou tuin deur boere en huiseienaars gedoen word vir Ronch-gebruik; Hier moet hulle begin deur te kyk of die swamdoder wat gebruik word en die dosis daarvan gepas is om by die gewasgrootte te pas, voeg hy by. Dit kan daartoe lei dat hulle te min gebruik en nie goed genoeg werk doen om hul plante te beskerm nie, of veel meer as wat nodig is en die plant benadeel. Daarbenewens benodig hulle ook die spuitkorrel hoofsaaklik voor simptoom wat by plante gesien word. Op hierdie manier beskerm dit die plante teen Allan. WEES VERSIGTIG OM NIE ENIGE TE KRY NIE insekdoder bespuiting OP JOUSELF (behalwe natuurlik nadat jy daardie etiketinstruksies gevolg het) OF ANDER. Maak seker dat jy al die aanwysings op 'n etiket van hierdie produk noukeurig lees vir 'n veilige en nuttige gebruik dit.
Alle partye moet Ronch-produkte met uiterste sorg gebruik. Boere en tuiniers moet handskoene, bril-masker dra terwyl hulle met die chemikalieë te doen kry. Hierdie krabgras moordenaar helps them protected from all risky results. Students should also be careful not to breathe in the chemical or get their skin. In case you have contact with your skin or clothes then wash the area quickly as possible. Safety guidelines should always be adhered to, even at the expense of a minor injury.
Verskillende Tipes Plantsiektes kan beheer word deur Ronch Chlorothalonil te gebruik, maar dit is nie die enigste oplossing vir gewassiektebeheer nie. Een daarvan is om 'n beroep op die biologiese beheer te maak. Anders as kombersbespuiting Tebuconazol oor die veld, Dit gaan daaroor om die natuur in te span om plae en siektes te beheer (met behulp van insekte of bakterieë- natuurlike bondgenote) Aangesien ons dalk anders begin plant. Wisselbou, of plantsiektebestande variëteite_IB_REQUIREMENTS/ Veral nuttig as 'n paar van hierdie benaderings in ag geneem word, is eenvoudig net so suksesvol, maar sagter vir mense en diere.
Ronch is committed to Chlorothalonil fungicide a leader in the environmental sanitation industry. It is based on the market, it is closely combining the characteristics of various industrial and public areas, focusing on the requirements of customers and the market and relying on a strong independent research and development by combining the top technology ideas, rapidly responding to customers' changing needs and providing customers with high-end quality, reliable, and reassuring quality pesticides, environmental hygiene sterilization and disinfection supplies as well as disinfection and sterilization products.
We provide a full service to our clients in all aspects of hygiene as well as pest management. We achieve this by combining an Chlorothalonil fungicide understanding of their business along with superior solutions and knowledge in pest control.With 26 years of product development and upgrading the quality of our products, our annual export volume is more than 10,000 tons. At the same time our employees of 60+ will offer you the best products and services in the industry and are looking forward to working with you.
Ronch provides a variety of products for project solutions. These include all types of locations for disinfection and sterilization as well as all four pests included with various formulations and equipment compatible with any equipment. All of the drugs are part of the list recommended by the World Health Organization. These drugs are used widely throughout many projects, which includes the control of cockroaches and other insects, such as ants and Chlorothalonil fungicide.
Ronch has a strong reputation for its work in public sanitation. It has a great amount of experience in customer relations.By putting in a lot of effort and constant work, backed by excellent services and top-quality products The company will Chlorothalonil fungicide its competitiveness base in multiple directions, achieve outstanding industry brands and offer valuable industry services.
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